Friday, May 28, 2010


Colesy went to graduation with me and was a huge help to me! We stayed up too late, and didnt get enough sleep. I found her Saturday afternoon asleep on the swing. Silly girl!

Shelby is 10!

All she really wanted was a pedometer........!
And an ice cream cake...

our babies.....

They are getting big so fast! I hate that we are gone and have to miss these next few days.
We've enjoyed sitting quietly on the porch watching mama and daddy feeding them. Up until now, the babies have not made a single peep. It has been intgeresting to watch.

Baby number 4

After waiting a long time, baby #4 finally arrived!!!

Trip to South Carolina

We went through a couple cool tunnels! The girls really liked them.

This last picture just shows a giant yellow-gutted bug we hit on the way down. It made a BIG splat! :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

We have a BABY!!!!!

Number one has arrived! We'll see what the next few days reveal!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mrs. Robin

Here she is sitting in her nest. We try hard to not disturb her, but she is right next to the front door.
And there she is sitting on the wire. She was mad at me and screaming! Oh my! She was not happy that I was there. I even came out through the basement so I wouldnt bother her. Oh well! :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Answers and Questions

#1. Obviously, Mrs. Robin is married, because you have to be married to make an egg.

#2. Obviously, MR. Robin lives in a different nest, because clearly, MRS. Robin made the nest just big enough for her. (She is the one sitting on the eggs.)

However: Where is his nest? Is it close enough that he can keep an eye on her to keep her safe? Or does he live in a different neighborhood? And if he lives far away, are they really married?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Is there a MISTER Robin??

Every day brings the same discussion: Do birds have to be married to make eggs? And if so, WHERE is the dad? We only see the mom. Where does HE live?

Ahhh, the joys of childhood questions and oh my! the curiosity! :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A New Yesterday

And a new today. :)
I keep thinking we scare Mama Robin away, but then she leaves another egg each day, so she must still feel we are safe. She screams at us when we come out the door. Its kinda cute in a you scare me kinda way! :)
It is just high enough that we cant see in, but when I see that she is out looking for worms, I raise my arm up as high as I can and take a snap. Then we run back in to see what we see.
Its been fun.


Well, Shelby has not gotten much better, and it being the weekend, well, I finally decided to call the phone in line for the doctor. When he called, after discussing everything with him, his suggestion was to take her to the ER. I HATE the thought of that. So, we decided to call Uncle Jim and see what he had to suggest. He had already left for church, but Diane said he would also recommend the ER. So, off we went.
Doctor said it was "weird". and had 2 other people come to look at her. And asked me several times if she had chicken pox. No. She had the vaccine.
Hmmmmm. Well, they confered and decided that indeed she did - does - have shingles. A very odd thing for a child to have, and even odd-er for not having had chicken pox first.
And of course, I waited too long, so there is nothing they can do medicinally for her.
So, we are home now.

Happy Mother's Day! I guess I should enjoy it being a mom, instead of kicking back and being waited on! :)

Friday, May 7, 2010


We came home from school today, and Shelby went straight to the couch.
And slept and slept....

It was nice outside. And she's still sleeping at 6:20. She got up just before 7, but wont eat and hasnt really moved from the couch.
Colesy sorta has the same/different sickies. She hasnt had a voice all week, and then Tuesday had that lazer job in her mouth that then got infected. And even today isnt eating much and isnt dong much, which pretty much tells me she feels not good. Wednesday night was pretty bad. She was breathing really hard and very raspy. We were quite concerned. Her breathing is better, as long as she doesnt do too much. guess it is a good thing she doesnt feel like doing much!
Hopefully next week will dawn better. :) We have too much to do to be sick. Matt and I are dreading the possibility of getting this.
Wednesday next week is a day we are greatly looking forward to. Please be all better by then!


Wonder if tomorrow will bring another egg?!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Perhaps this is not for the sqeemish....

Colesy had her little connector from her top lip to her gums removed via laser this morning. This was done in hopes of allowing her front teeth to grow in straight instead of with a gap between them. She did a fablous job, the dentist said so about 15 times!
Tonight when I asked her to flip it up for a picture, she did it slow and careful, so it must be starting to hurt! Imagine that.

I put the picture down a little in case you didnt want to see it. :)
And it is a little blurry, but I didn't want to ask her to do it again.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Spring Concert

The girls were in the Spring Concert at school. Shelby made it to the back row! She is the last one on the left and Colesy is the 4th in from the right in the second row.
Colesy in her pretty dress. She picked this one out at the store all by herself. She's a gem!

And this is Erin with my girls. These 3 are ALWAYS together. Erin is the nicest girl! She calls me Mom when her's is not around!
And completely unknown to them, Shelby and Erin have the same dress! :) And the little girl is a friend that Erin brought to the concert.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bordom leads to interesting activities....

Like splitting open dandilion stems and sticking them on your leg. ???

New Neighbor

We discovered a robin building a nest by our front door. Hopefully she continues, after we discovered her! We tried to use the other doors today to make her more comfortable, but we'll see. Hopefully we'll soon see blue eggs and then little tweets.....
Hopefully there will be many updates to come.


Matt brought these pipes home for the weekend. He picked them up in a town North of us and instead of taking them to the mill that night, he parked in the driveway. He'll take them on in in the morning.

The girls thought he brought them an amazing play place! They played on them ALL weekend. The took blankets out and made houses. and they ate lunch on them, and they wanted to sleep in them, but we said no! and they climbed and played. We got a kick out of watching.