Thursday, July 30, 2009


So last weekend, there was a rodeo at the local county fair. I thought it would be a fun thing to do, and that all 4 of us would enjoy it. I, of course, forgot the camera. Dummy! :)

It was fun, and the weather was about perfect for sitting on bleachers for 3 1/2 hours.

There was calf chasing and bull riding and barrel racing and clowns and a trick pony that did things like a dog would and a really cool horse that would run and stop just by listening to the cowboy say "whoa" and he even jumped in the back of a moving pickup. It was pretty cool.

We had a good time, and I'm glad we went. Even if there are no pictures to prove we were there! :)

The girls' room

So, with a home day today, we decided to clean and rearrange the girls room. I didnt know that it would make me "AWESOME!" :) They each have a window now by their bed, and the bestest part of the whole thing is the "secret room" (much like Emily's).
The whole underneath of Shelby's bed is now empty. They put blankets and flashlights under the bed. They crack me up! They've been under there for about an hour now! Silly girls!

Colesys incident

So, yesterday at school, the kids were playing, and Colesy tripped up the stairs (carpeted) and put her tooth into her lip. And rug-burned her chin up under her lip. It was yucky!!!
anyhow, If it had been anywhere else, she would have needed stitches, but since it was in her mouth....
So, we stopped at the drug store to ask our friend to look at it. She wasnt working, so we found that Matts cousin Megan WAS working there, so she looked at it, and wasnt sure, so asked the pharmacist to look at it. He agreed that there was nothing to do for it but said to keep an eye on it and make sure it didnt get infected.

here is what it looks like this morning. Is it infected? or just healing? dont know, and of course today is the day that the doctor isnt in. I called anyhow just to get advise and the girl who I talked to said she really didnt know, but I should take her to the ER to get it checked.
I dont wanna do that!!!!
So, what is your opinion?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Watkins Glen, New York

We went to Watkins Glen on Wednesday. It is so gorgeous there! We were amazed by the beauty.
There is Matt and the girls on the bridge.
lots of waterfalls along the way.

Me and the girls.
Straight up! We were down a long ways....
The heart shaped pool.
The falls we can walk behind.

I love this view!

Lots and lots of pretty. We were so glad we went. It was a mile and a half UP to one end and then back down again. We were glad that the gorge was cool from the water. It was a warm hike. But we loved it. I'm sure we'll go again. It was the highlight of the trip.

And I am tired and Matt needs the computer, and mom and dad are here, so that is all for today.

Pennsylvania Grand Canyon 2009!

So, Matt had a few days off, and we decided to take a little road trip to see some sights. First stop: the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. It was pretty, but not necessarily as impressive as the name suggested.

This is Colesy after we hiked and climbed for a couple hours.
We climbed a really tall tower. I got to the top and sat down on that bench! It was TOO HIGH!!! Colesy was a little insecure up there too.
Here is the tower from the ground. It was high enough!
The river through the "canyon".
I loved this funny tree. It was just growing in the woods with no apparent reason for the quirk in the trunk.

We found an eagle flying around. It was hard to get the camera to capture him, but he was just cruisin' around for the whole time we were there.
There he is again, just the dot in the sky.
We found a dead (dying) snake. It was a baby, and we thought perhaps he was a rattlesnake, too little to have rattles yet. He was yucky even though he was small. A car had run over him and popped him. He was still twitching.
Colesy was HAPPY to find a frog. She was cute!
They found another one for Shelby to get her picture with.

And off we go on the hike.
Me and the girls with the canyon behind.
Shelby took this of us. Yikes!
There is a bike path down beside the river. Apparently, you can ride for 57 miles down there!

4th of July parade in Brockway

Brad and Becky and the boys and Gram and Grampa sat with us. Gavin, Shelby, Gabe, Colesy, Graham and a friend, Ben.
This was the only thing that interested me enough to get the camera. It was a horribly long parade, and if you like fire trucks, then it was okay, but I guess I feel like seen one, seen 'em all.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I came out of the house the other day and found this crane bird in the creek. I ran back in the house and got the girls and the camera. We snuck behind the shed and snapped this picture and then he flew away. It was quite spectacular. He stuck his neck out really long and then took off with his neck extended and his legs out behind him. And he flew up in a big wide circle.
Sorry the picture isnt a better quality.