There were about 150 dinners served, I think. Anyhow.
Here is our prize from the night:
Matt really wanted one (Mr. Richards did 3). I wanted one too. The one I wanted MOST, Dan said he was going to bid on it, and unfortunately for us, Uncle Charlie wanted it too! Well, Matt and I decided there wasn't much point in going up against the 2 of them! Yikes!!
But, when this one came up, Matt bid on it!
The other really neat thing about this picture is the frame. It was custom made by the same guys who built our entertainment center. And the lumber they used came from the old barn that used to be in the Brownlee family. Charlie had saved some of it from when it was torn down - Matt said he was in high school then - and they used that lumber for the frames. I like that bit of history.
Sometime this summer, or when we have time, we're going to take a 'trip' to find the spot where Mr. Richards found the inspiration for the picture. :) I love a good adventure!