Tuesday, May 10, 2011


We had a fire the other night. We were a mess! :) The ground is very soft from all the rain, so our chairs were sinking. Matts solution was putting the wood under each chair leg.
Colesy was trying to play her leapster, but it was too bright out, so her solution was to sit IN the sleeping bag, with it upside down over her head.

The fire was pretty though.


This is the bunny I shot last Sunday. Dumb thing sat there while I missed him the first 3 times! I got him on the 4th though!

First Oil change lesson

While Colesy was sleeping the day away, Matt had Shelby help him change the oil in the car.

I think she enjoyed it for the most part. :)


Last Friday night, the AWANA girls had their end-of-the-year sleep over. Where the plan is to NOT sleep! They went bowling at 11, and then had game time at 1 and then movies starting at 2, or something like that.
Colesy came home at 8 and I snuck a click through the cracked door at 1:00 P.M.!

She got up shortly after that, but went back to bed at 8 and slept for another 11 hours!!!!


loves the camera!

My girls...

They dressed themselves alike for church a couple weeks ago.

They make me smile.

Double-Headed Dandylion

I found this out in the yard the other day. I've never seen a double one before. I thought it was pretty cool.

When I showed it to the girls, the first thing Colesy said is "Its like you and daddy."

How sweet.

Squiggly-Wiggly Damien

He wanted out so bad! I set the leash down, and it went over his tail and hit my funny bone! He's trying to take himself for a walk!

So, he had a tumor on his ear and we got it removed yesterday. They taped it up and sent him home. We laughed watching him sway with the grogginess of anesthesia. It was a good time.

He is feeling better already.

We had a hard time getting him to lay still for a picture.


Colesy got her first pair today. She is quite cute with them. Matt came home from work and after watching her for about 15 minutes, he said "It's gonna be expensive keeping her in glasses.!". I think I just may have to agree.

But, they are cute, and she does like them - so far.....

And Shelby got a new pair yesterday too.

She's a heartbreaker! :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hey Mom

Conversation we had this morning:
Shelby: Hey Mom, wanna know the scariest thing I have ever done?
Me: Sure, what is the scariest thing you have ever done?
Shelby: Trusted you!


Okay! :)