Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We love little Greta!

Emily with Greta.

Colesy with Greta.

Shelby with Greta - and lots of fun in the background! :)

Pumpkin Patch

We were sitting around wondering what to do the other day, when we remembered that it is pumpkin patch season, so off we went!

When we got home, the girls scooped them out and carved them up!

Colesy sorted out the seeds and we roasted them with pumpkin pie spice and sugar. They were quite yummy, and did not last very long!


We pulled the air conditioner out of the window last week. This little guy was still hanging around. I'm hoping that he no longer lives in the window. Yikes!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


This colorful guy (gal?) was outside Matts window the other day. The web was a cool 3-D abstract thing - nota typical speder web. And I have never seen a spider like this here before. I'm really hoping he stays outside!

Stump grinding

Matt brought home a stump grinder the other day to take care of the remainder of the trees we cut down a few weeks ago. He has never run one before, but he did it like a pro!

He also got new glasses. He's so cute! I love you!

More loose teeth

Shelby lost her first molar earlier this week.

She's kinda a dork! :)

Fun with Friends....

Well, the leaves are turning, and it has been just gorgeous outside the last 5 days. Yippee! It has been rainy for soooo long.

Hannah came over for a playdate/leepover after school on Friday. Her and Colesy went across the street to pick apples.

Colesy shook the tree, and Hannah was supposed to catch the falling apples!

It was quite humourous from my side of the road!

And what can be more fun than a fire? They spent about 3 hours playing around the fire ring!

Jr Eagles

Colesy and FIONA! My favorite girl under 10!

Shelby: "dont take my picture!" Well, nice hair movement.....

Messing around before the game.

Today was picture day too, so I snuck one of my own.

Game time! I was proud of my self for remembering to BRING the camera, and to actually get it out and use it!

yep, that is my Shelby, and my Colesy, both with tons of hustle!

I know that some of these were just when they were standing around, but I liked watching them interact.

And there is Christian Riss, my buddy! :)

And how do I miss my friend JoLynn! I know she would have been LOUD today!

Nice throw in Derek!