Saturday, October 4, 2008

Horse Show

Last weekend, we went to a horse show that Matt's Aunt was in. The girls really liked this horse that was out in front of the barn - in fact they seemed to enjoy this horse more than the show going on inside.  I came out to get them at one point and was unsure if they were following the horse around the circle, or vice versa!  It has one brown and one blue eye.
We took Macy with us. She loves horses and she was a great help with the girls, as usual.  

This poor horse was a Clydesdale dressed up in black wooly material.  He was introduced as the only one of his kind, a cross between a Clydesdale and a poodle!  It was hysterical. They even passed out bone shaped carrots for the kids to feed him.  The lady with him was dressed in a poodle skirt. They won some kind of costume award at a big show!  It was a hoot.

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