Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lost dogs

Much to the delight of the girls, 2 lost dogs wandered past the house today. The black one had a collar, with no tags, and the golden one had nothing.  Shelby named them Midnight and Buddy.  They were slightly alarmed to discover that the black dog only had 3 legs.  He managed just fine.  The only other 3 legged dog I ever knew was the dalmation that lived next door to Naomi.   
He's not really taking a dump, he was just on his way to sitting down.  He did sit more than the golden puppy!
They stayed for a while and then wandered off to the next place. The girls were quite worried about them getting hit by a car.  About 15 minutes later, they showed back up.  Again, the girls were DELIGHTED.  Shelby especially.  I looked out the window at one point and saw Colesy up in the tree, so she might not have been quite as happy to see them as Shelb!
They left again after the third visit and we havent seen them again.  I had the girls strip their clothes off at the washer and go straight to the bath - did I mention that they were wet from frequent creek crossings, with a mild odor of skunk mingled in.  yuck!

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