Saturday, May 23, 2009

Garden 2009

We decided to plant a garden this year.  We didnt like the little raised garden that we put in a few years ago, plus, the timbers around it were rotting.  So, we (Matt) pulled them out and rototilled the area and then borrowed a thing to hook to the tractor to level it out.  Then, us girls started the seeds in little pods and when Matt said ready, we took them out and planted them.  Matt took Friday off, and got the stuff to put up a fence.  He also put stuff up around the new blueberry bushes.  A bunny has been snacking on them, and we're not sure that they will make it.  Heres hoping! Anyhow, he got the fence around the garden before the bunny found it, so that will save us (him) many sleepless nights! :)

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