Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Kitchen project...

The girls began removing the grout from the entry way with screwdrivers. They thought it was a great deal of fun! And when they were able to pop out a tile ~ they were thrilled.
After a while, all the easy ones were done, and they were growing tired, so Matt brought in a crow bar and really went to work on them. Colesy was quite impressed and thought Daddy should have brought in the 'machine' sooner.

I painted 2 coats of primer, then 2 coats of the paint and then went around some more touching up little spots. I'm sick of paint! :)
Last night I figured the paint was dried enough, and I put up the tape to block of the stripes that we are going to do. I have a friend who is coming this afternoon to help me with that - some special technique that I dont know yet! :)
More pictures to follow....

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