Wednesday, August 19, 2009

One more reason to love Colesy!

So we were driving to town yesterday, and I needed to make a list of what I needed to get while there, so I passed the paper and pencil to Colesy and had her write while I drove. When we got to the first store - she handed it back to me.
Now, she had complained that she didnt know how to spell the words I had told her to put on the list.

I told her to do her best...... I like to think she did.

Here is the list:

clock - clock (good job!)
bread - bread (again, good job!)
fan- fan (another good one! :) )
Diner - dinner (I needed to remember to get stuff for dinner)
Lunck stuf - lunch stuff (I needed to remember to get stuff for Matts lunch!)
batier - battery (Sharilyn, she might get that from her daddy and califer!)
and last...
cock - supposed to be caulk. I guess that one could be tricky! but really! I dont think THAT is supposed to show up on a shopping list!

I tried hard not to laugh, but I couldnt help myself!

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