Friday, March 12, 2010

More Office Pictures

Well, here is the 'hole'. I usually refer to it as the 'gaping' hole, but whatever! They are no longer able to cover it, so when you peer over the plywood wall, you see clear down the the basement floor! I'll be glad when there is no more reason to fear someone (me) falling down the shaft! of course, I'm really more concerned about the kids, but still, my heart beats funny when I see that hole.
I got him! That is Chuck! :)
They put of the metal beams for in the walls. I think that is what is going on! :) Word is drywall starts on Monday. It'd be nice if they could finish the inside of the office, but I'm not getting too excited about anything. When its done, it'll be done; I can't see getting excited about stuff before that.

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