Saturday, April 3, 2010

Super fun day...

Yesterday was an amazing day. Easter weekend, so the kids and I had a half day on Thursday, and then dont have to be back to school until Tuesday!!!
I have lived here for 14 years now, and I have NEVER been to Parker Dam State Park. When I say that, I get the craziest, pity-ing looks from whomever hears me. It's starting to get embarrassing. When the weather report said that it would be near record highs for the long weekend, I made plans to take me and the girls up there on Friday. I mentioned my plans to Matt and he said :Wish I could go" and shortly after that, reported to me that "I took the day off!!!"
So, Friday morning, I packed a picnic! (It was yummy! :) and then we packed up the bicycles and loaded up the truck, and off we went. (It's only about 30 minutes from here!)
We rode bikes, and hiked before lunch and then we had our picnic and then Matt and I relaxed in the shade while the girls played on the beach and in the water. We enjoyed watching them.
After a while, Brad Becky and the 3 younger boys came and showed us a neat trail/walkway. We saw fish and a blue heron. It was beautiful.

Of course, as you probably know by now... I left my camera at home. I had had plans to take it, but oh well. I have pictures in my head that are just amazing! :)

After our walk/hike we came home, sunburned and exhausted, but happy and refreshed.

1 comment:

HcubeDad said...

Oh, the Handel's wish we would've been there with you :) We can picture it all just like you described ~ what a beautiful place to hang as a family and enjoy God's beautiful creation!!! Can't wait to see you in less than a week :)