Sunday, September 5, 2010

Swinging Bridge

We got up this morning to a chilly day. Hurricane Earl swept through and dropped the temp by about 25 degrees. Yesterday we enjoyed the cooler weather by staying inside with blankets on, reading books and watching movies. It was a relaxing quiet kind of day.
Anyhow, this morning, even though the weather was cooler, the sun was shining!
We laid around and ate a late breakfast. Then we decided to go on a bike ride. First though, somehow the 4 of us ended up on our bed. Tickles and Giggles and fun ensued. Finally we got ready.
The swinging bridge is 7 miles from our house. We really like it there, and makes a nice destination. This is the first time we made it this summer, although we have attempted a couple other times. Once, we walked with mom and dad, and, well, it was hot, and we tired to drive most of the way, but parked too far away..... we did have a nice adventure that day though. Another time we tried and had to turn back so we were not late for church, since Matt was running the sound board.
We made it! The girls did a great job biking. I'm always so proud of them! We had a really fun time going back and forth across the bridge.

It is like a mini Trinity walking bridge. More happy memories.....

Side note:

Okay, so most of this happened behind a tree and I regrettfully did not see it. However, being the mom, perhaps I am glad....

At the swinging bridge,, once you get across it and go down to the river bank, there is a rope swing - again, reminiscent of the one down in the forest, but on a smaller scale... Colesy asked if she could swing on it. Matt said he didnt care. (I would have said no, but I'm trying to be braver...) So, she hops on, and according to Matt, she put her feet up over her head, but her butt scimmed along the surface of the water. I thought Matt was going to bust something he was laughing so hard! Poor Colesy had wet pants for the rest of the trip. Matt didnt know how she could have drug, since her feet were so high, but she must have started out too low on the rope. She was able to laugh at herself. And she was mostly dried out by the time we got home.

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