Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Shelb and Coles with Grandpa Brownlee and Grandpa Lewis
Shelb and Coles with Great Grandma Mowrey, Grandma Brownlee and Grandma Lewis

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Beautiful Girls...

Family Photos

The Matt,Krissy, Shelby Colesy; Dan and Debbie; Sue~Sue; Jerry and Val; and Tim and Carol.  Wow!
All of us again!
and again...
Just us

The star of the show...

Shelby and Brennan
Isabel, a VERY tolernant Jill, Brennan, Shelby, Colesy, Isaac 
Beautiful Brennan
Dontcha just love baby shoes?!
The big kids cant get enough of Brennan. 
Jill is an amazing first time mom! 

Uncle NATHAN!!!

Isaac is using his hair for reins!

Hardwood floors are, well, HARD!  
Nathan made one trip down the hall with kids on his back, and then went to the garage for his knee pads.  Made it much nicer for his knees, and made the pony ride last a lot longer!
One afternoon, we looked around and noticed that the house was quiet!  It was amazing.  We looked out and saw Nathan with ALL the kids, eating a pudding pop and having a grand (looking, anyhow) time.  How cute is that?


Michael Jackson???!!!
What a ham ball!

Weekend Candids (by the girls...)

Aunt Sue~Sue, Colesy, and Grammy
Crazy Uncle Jerry!
Aunt Val and Dutch
Michael, Sue~ Sue and Shelby
Sue~ Sue in Papa's hat

Getting Milk

We get our milk from the Dairy farm that Matts moms family runs.  We took Parker when he was here for the adventure.  It was fun, and the kitty wanted lots of petting, and it was fun to see the cows up close. They let us in where they milk the cows, but we were afraid the flash might spook the cows, so we didnt take any pictures in there!  The kids wanted to stay, but thought it smelled fairly horrible!


There is a tank down by the rail road tracks. I'm not sure WHY it is there, but there is a little monument there, with a flag.  anyhow, the kids LOVE to play on it.  The boys especially, so we took Parker when he was here.  Sorry this is late being posted...
They have since posted signs that say no trespassing and private property.  blah.  phewy on them!  At least we got to play on it a little bit!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

One Hail of a Day...

It thunder-stormed and hailed here today. 
 I tried to get pictures of it, but I'm not sure how good it turned out, 
but we stood and watched until I thought to run and get the camera.  
It is wet!  At least I don't have to mow...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Decorating for the 4th.

About an hour before our guests were to arrive, the girls realized that we had not painted our red white and blue stars in the grass.  So, I ran in and cut a pattern out of the one piece of newspaper I could find, and we got the stars painted just in the nick of time!  My pattern was very small, but I think you can see what we did.  It is fun. And they only last until I mow the grass the next time.

Basement entry way

Matt had a 1/2 day of school on Thursday, so he had Denny come over with the excavader and he dug out the old steps placed the new ones in  (and broke the water line to our house and so we had to have the borough guys come in and  fix it) and then Friday we went and got the wall bricks (80# each!) and Matt and I built the wall.  It sure looks better than what was there!  

the 4th is exhausting!

When everyone had left after the fireworks, and we had the porch cleaned up, we realized that Colesy was missing.  I found her on the couch in the living room, completely zonked out!  Poor kid.  Grandpa was right.  It is hard work having fun!
Isn't she pretty?

Shelby's hair cut

She got about 5 inches off the length in the back, and layers put in and her "bangs" are just to her chin. She really likes it, and it is still long enough to put in a pony tail, and long enough that dad likes it too!
They were kept at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds for a week before the parade.
We never had time to run out to see them, but Grammy did and sent this picture to us.
Aren't they beautiful animals?

The Budwiser Clydesdales

The Clydesdales pulled the Budwiser wagon in the Brockway Old Fashioned 4th Parade. They were beautiful. And they smelled bad! They were a fiesty bunch! When the parade stopped and they had to stand still, they (especially the front right one) would 'dance'. Often both his fron hooves would be off the ground at the same time. They were a highlight for sure!

They even had their tales decorated pretty!