Colesy realized last night that it was her last chance to write to Santa before Christmas day arrived. She frantically looked for pen and paper and wrote the following note - which I was NOT to read. She rolled it up scroll style and tied it with a ribbon. When we got home from Grams house, she put it IN the tree.
Dear Santa,
I was wondering if you could by any chance get me a globe, book and Doll. I know you are a very busy man so if it makes it easy for yourself, just get me some cash please. and a game if you could. I will be very grateful for everything.
Love, your friend Colesy
Anything else would be fine. if you want to.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Colesy revisits the hospital
Misc stuff!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Update on Colesy
I need to get the camera and down load some photos of the past month, but maybe later.
Colesy had her tonsil surgery on the 1st. That was a Tuesday. she came home later that same day, after doing a super job! She came back to the room so bright eyed that I didnt even know she had been put under!
She continued to get better and went to Grammys on Friday where she had a great day and ate and drank a lot. over the weekend however, she stopped. stopped eating, stopped drinking, stopped talking. stopped moving.... So Monday morning, I sent her back with Grammy and then called the doctor when they opened. Rene wanted to see her "right away". And so we got colesy up to DuBois and Rene looked at her and said, "she needs an IV" So, we went to the hospital an dhad an IV for 24 hours. We got discharged in time to get Shelby from school. That night was the school Christmas concert, so we went home, where Colesy slept for 2 hours. We went to the concert, (shelby did a great job!) and then came home. Colesy slept a good 12 hours that night and by Thurday she was taking no meds and Friday she ate pizza for lunch.
Today was her check up and Rene said she looked so good that she never needed to see her again - regarding her tonsils!
We went to Taco Bell for lunch and then got back to school in time for recess. at 12:45, 1st-4th grades went on a field trip to a nearby retirement home to sing carols and hand out cards they had made. Becky went along as a driver. Not too long after they left, Colesy and Becky were in the office. Both stood there looking at me. I said "Is everything alright?" Becky said "It is now."
Apparently, Colesy passed out COLD while singing. Becky said it was freaky because her eyes were open the whole time, and she had a creepy little smile on her face. Michelle just scooped her up off the floor and carried her out where there was fresh air.
It was very warm in the home, and she said she was dizzy.
I called Uncle Jim and they said she was fine, to just keep an eye on her.
What a day! We were all able to laugh at the series of events later on.
Off to bed we go. Hopefully tomorrow will be uneventful!
Colesy had her tonsil surgery on the 1st. That was a Tuesday. she came home later that same day, after doing a super job! She came back to the room so bright eyed that I didnt even know she had been put under!
She continued to get better and went to Grammys on Friday where she had a great day and ate and drank a lot. over the weekend however, she stopped. stopped eating, stopped drinking, stopped talking. stopped moving.... So Monday morning, I sent her back with Grammy and then called the doctor when they opened. Rene wanted to see her "right away". And so we got colesy up to DuBois and Rene looked at her and said, "she needs an IV" So, we went to the hospital an dhad an IV for 24 hours. We got discharged in time to get Shelby from school. That night was the school Christmas concert, so we went home, where Colesy slept for 2 hours. We went to the concert, (shelby did a great job!) and then came home. Colesy slept a good 12 hours that night and by Thurday she was taking no meds and Friday she ate pizza for lunch.
Today was her check up and Rene said she looked so good that she never needed to see her again - regarding her tonsils!
We went to Taco Bell for lunch and then got back to school in time for recess. at 12:45, 1st-4th grades went on a field trip to a nearby retirement home to sing carols and hand out cards they had made. Becky went along as a driver. Not too long after they left, Colesy and Becky were in the office. Both stood there looking at me. I said "Is everything alright?" Becky said "It is now."
Apparently, Colesy passed out COLD while singing. Becky said it was freaky because her eyes were open the whole time, and she had a creepy little smile on her face. Michelle just scooped her up off the floor and carried her out where there was fresh air.
It was very warm in the home, and she said she was dizzy.
I called Uncle Jim and they said she was fine, to just keep an eye on her.
What a day! We were all able to laugh at the series of events later on.
Off to bed we go. Hopefully tomorrow will be uneventful!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
We have a friend who is quite sick. They took him this week to Children's hospital in Cinncinati, Ohio.
Colesy made him a card. It is so sweet.
Front of Card:
Roses are red and vilets are blue
suger is sweet I hope you get well soon!
Inside of Card:
Dear Hayden
I hope you get well soon. I am praying for you and your family. I hope you can come to school soone. I hope you can get better as soon as possible. From your friend Colesy Brownlee
I just love the poem! :)
Colesy made him a card. It is so sweet.
Front of Card:
Roses are red and vilets are blue
suger is sweet I hope you get well soon!
Inside of Card:
Dear Hayden
I hope you get well soon. I am praying for you and your family. I hope you can come to school soone. I hope you can get better as soon as possible. From your friend Colesy Brownlee
I just love the poem! :)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Matt's class
Tonight at dinner we were talking about Matt's classes. He had to sign up on Sunday for the next semester.
He said he signed up for accounting class.
Shelby says: A Counting class? Like where you learn numbers?! Daddy!
And she said it completely serious! Which made it even funnier!
other fun things we did

Parker made a scary monster with millions of sharp teeth!
We drove out to Sharilyn's for the weekend of Halloween. Not because of the "holiday" but because we had no school on Friday the 30th. So, me and the girls packed up and let Thursday morning! We had a great, quick trip out. We got to Sharilyns at about 2:45, so we had lots of day left to play.
Friday we went to Target! Yeah!!! I'm so sad, I know! :)
And the girls went through Parkers dress up bin and found suitable Halloween costumes.
Parker was a knight~
Colesy was a cowgirl~
(on our way back to the house, She told me quite happily that every one had given her candy, and she hadnt needed to shoot anyone!)

Shelby was a witch~
Saturday evening, we all dressed up - the kids dressed up in their outfits, and us in our warm clothes! and off we went... It was fun. The whole neighborhood was into the event. Whatever, but it was fun. And the kids got TONS of loot. Our candy basket is overflowing.
My Best Friend
My Best Friend
My best friend is Erin. We like to
play games together. We also like to
swing together at recese. We like to
have sleepovers together in the summer.
We sat by each other on Tesday and Wendesday.
Erin is my best friend because when I am
sad she helps me feel better. She also
is my best friend because she and
me are both girls.
I didnt think my head was playing tricks on me, but whatever! Stranger things have happened. :)
So, I'm back in the bathroom and I KNOW I hear snoring. So, I peek in on Matt, who really is working on his paper. I thought perhaps he fell asleep at his desk. Nope. So I guess I am imagining things.
Once again, I go back to working on my hair. still I hear snoring. What in the world!? Starting to worry that it just might be true that there IS a bum living in my attic, I decide to investigate.
The DOG is sound asleep in Shelby's room - SNORING!
I got a good chuckle out of that - especially since I could once again put to rest my irrational fear of the bum in the attic! :)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Me: Good night Shelby. (for about the 6th time!)
Shelby: good night mom
Sh: Mom, wasnt Goliath tall?
Me: yep (where is this going!?)
Sh: Mom, was he as tall as that moose on the computer? (referenced below)
Me: About.
Sh: Mom, how tall are you?
Me: about 5 1/2 feet.
Sh: Mom, isnt daddy like 6 foot 12 inches?
Me: Laughing too hard to answer!
And this guy is estimated to be 8 foot tall at his shoulder mound!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
I'm oh so tired, and there are things to be put on here, but scanning seems like WORK and then so does typing...
The girls made the paper again. They really do think they are famous! I guess there is something about living in a small town!
Maybe someday I'll get the picture here for all to enjoy. and then again, maybe not....
Friday, October 9, 2009
So, we did it! I went to the bank and gave them all the rest of the money we owed on the house. We're D~O~N~E!!! WOW! It's amazing! We owe no man a dime! HA HA HEE HA!!! I feel slightly giddy.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
My little spellers :)
Today was the school spelling bee.
Colesy got 4th for her class and Shelby got 2nd.
The top 2 spellers from 5th - 8th grade then go on to Regionals, so maybe next year will be a bit more exciting.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
a dogs life
We had a really good day with him. Its raining (a LOT) so he was in the house with us ALL day. He was very good. YEAH!!!!!
Shelby's Debut
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A Sunday Morning Adventure
Well, Matt had sound this morning, so he needed to be there an hour early.
As is usual, I dropped Matt and the girls off and ran to Wal-Mart to get some errands done (yes, I grabbed a few Christmas shopping items too! AND got a fabulous idea too.....)
Anyhow, back to the story.
When I got back, I came in the back door as we always do, and I see Matt holding Colesy.
Those of you who know Colesy, know that Daddy doesnt usually need to hold her. So I went up to them and asked what happened. Colesy was happy I was back (they were watching out the window) and as she turned to go greet me, she smacked her head on the corner of the track rack. Apparently it was loud enough a crack that several people heard it! So, Matt was comforting her.
I was making sure she was okay, and when she turned her head, there was a quarter size blood spot in her hair! I took her from Matt and was going to take her to the bathroom to clean her up. When I got to the bathroom door, however, I looked back to see Matt following me, so I changed plans and took her down to the kitchen so he could help too. By the time I set her down on the counter, she had blood pooling in her hair and down around her ear and it was a MESS!
Matt cleaned it out, and I had Shelby go up and find a girl who is/was! a nurse to come and check her out.
When Tracy arrived on the scene, Matt has cleaned up enough of the blood to find the source. Just a little cut. Way too small for the amount of blood!
She didnt even get a goose egg. Matt then carried her back up - clear up to the balcony, and we sat through church. A couple times during the hour it seemed to seep a little, but she is fine now.
In fact, she doesnt want to wash her hair until she is able to show it to her classmates and teacher tomorrow! I dont think THAT will happen!
I took pictures, but only had my phone, and I have no idea how to get the pictures from the phone onto the computer. so.....
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Alll about me!
Colesy had to write about herself in school. I LOVED reading it. It is so Colesy! This is what she brought home:
My name is Colesy. I am 8 years old. I have blond hair and blue eyes. My faverite food is anything fruit! My faverite holiday is Christmas because it is Jesuses birthday. My faverite game is apples to apples. I have one sister. My faverite colers are blue and green. I am 51 inches tall. My faverite movie is Sherek the 3th. I live with my mom my dad sister and my dog. I like to go to the tasty freeze. My faverite kind of ice cream in chocolate. It is very very good. I have five cosins and another on comeing. I have 8 antes and uncles. My mom and dads name is Matt and Krissy and my sisters name is Shelby and I like school. I like swimming playing with my dog and my sister. I love my family. My dog is a red Dobe. I like horses, dogs, cats, birds, turtuls, hamsters, dolfins, frogs penguins. I like flowers pink ones and white ones blue and yellow and purple ones. I dont like bees. I like the globe. IT is very interesting. It is cool. Books are fun to read. I like reading books. Bugs are funny. I love my teacher!!! animals are colorful. red is a brite color. I like catails. They are brown and furry. My teacher is nice. I like my teacher. I love my grama. bird eggs are cool. pink is a pretty color. apples to apples is a very very very fun game. Frogs are good at leeping. I love money. My tung is pink. Monkeys are funny. I like monkeys. Bible is fun. I like reading the Bible. I love the Bible. I love animals. I use a pencil to do my work. I like chocolate chips they are very very good. Erin and Gavin are my best friends. My birthday is August 24. I love my birthday it is on my birthday. My name is made up of 6 letters. I know the alphabet from A to Z. clouds are made of puffy white things. I like to play cars with my sister. I like to play with my friends. I can count to five hundredes. Love Colesy
I'm not sure if you can be more random than that! I laughed! That is about how I sum up Colesy. She has the most disconnected random thoughts. I love her!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Heath Station Fish Hatchery
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Beartown Rocks ROCK!
Labor Day weekend fun...
What a FAT pig!!!!
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