Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Last night after dinner, the girls were playing down stairs and Matt was working on his paper, so I decided to straighten my hair. I was in the bathroom and I heard snoring. I thought Matt decided to lay down for a bit. So I looked in our room. No one there, so I went back to my hair. Still, I heard snoring. So, I thought maybe he went to lay in Colesy's room, since I had laundry on ours. No one there either.
I didnt think my head was playing tricks on me, but whatever! Stranger things have happened. :)
So, I'm back in the bathroom and I KNOW I hear snoring. So, I peek in on Matt, who really is working on his paper. I thought perhaps he fell asleep at his desk. Nope. So I guess I am imagining things.

Once again, I go back to working on my hair. still I hear snoring. What in the world!? Starting to worry that it just might be true that there IS a bum living in my attic, I decide to investigate.

The DOG is sound asleep in Shelby's room - SNORING!
I got a good chuckle out of that - especially since I could once again put to rest my irrational fear of the bum in the attic! :)

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