Monday, December 20, 2010


Yesterday morning, as we were getting ready to leave for school, I had to run back upstairs to grab something. I assumed when I came back down that the girls would be ready, getting coats on and packing up the back packs. However, I only saw Shelby. Which is unusual. Usually, Colesy is waiting for the 2 of us! I asked Shelby where Colesy was and she pointed to the floor. Huh?! Sure enough, she was laying on the floor and said her side hurt. Her left side. I told her she'd be fine and to get up and get going.

Upon arriving at school, the girls did their usual thing, playing on the computer until time to go to class. And it being Monday, things were busy in the office. Shortly after the bell rang, my intercom rang. It was one of Becky's boys sayinf that I needed to come down stairs right away. So, I hung up and said "that is odd!" And looked up and Colesy's best friend was at the counter and said "Krissy, you need to come downstairs right now" So, I said fine, and off we went. Partway down the hall, I said to Erin that I thought I needed to hold her hand. She was sweet and let me! :)

I walked into the classroom and saw Colesy sitting on her teachers lap.

Here is what happened.....
Colesy went back to Mrs. Bundy's desk to tell her that she didnt feel good and she wanted to come up to see me. She also told Mrs. Bundy that she was really hot. Mrs. Bundy felt her head and said "you aren't hot, your cold". At which point, Colesy passed out. (Mrs. Bundy caught her on the way down.) And that is when Mrs. Bundy told Erin to run to the office for me, and Gavin to call the office for me!
When Colesy came to, Mrs. Bundy told her to say something and she responded with "I dont know what to say" so Mrs. Bundy told her to count to 10. She was able to do it, but it was really slow.
I carried her up to the office and she was clam-y for another 30 minutes or so. I called the Dr and they wanted to see her. So, we pack up and head out to the appointment. We get to the Dr office and we go back to the room and the nurse came in and did her stats and vitals and all that and says that the dr will be in. so, Colesy is sitting on my lap, and its taking a while for the doctor to come in. Then Colesy says to me "I'm starting to feel like I did before." Sure enough, she is clam-y and pale again. I set her in the chair and lean her head back against the wall and ran out to find the nurse. We all rushed back in, me and 2 nurses, and I scooped her up and put her on the bed and the nurse put a wet cloth on her head. She never went completely out, but she was WHITE for another 10-15 minutes.
They buzzed all around her and did a glucose test and all sorts of things. Everything was within normal range. It was then decided to send her to the hospital for further tests: blood work and an abdominal ultrasound.
I got to watch the screen while the ultrasound was taking place. The tech took pictures of her spleen and kidney.
The results: enlarged spleen. Blood tests all came back negative, except for mono. That one takes longer.
She was quiet, but fine for the rest of the day.
The nurse who called with the results said she could go to school, but to be careful of the left side where the spleen is. Dont get slammed into during recess, etc.
Hopefully we'll know the rest later today, and hopefully I will be able to ask intelligent questions!

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