And really pretty and tranquil and perfect after a day on the plane.

It was cool, but the sun was out, and it just felt good to relax!
After Colesy fell in and got soaked, we dried her up the best we could, and then Sharilyn took us to a different beach with a pier. It was pretty, and we saw more pretty things. Like this drift wood covered with barnacles.

Shelby liked this seagull sitting on top of the flag pole.
She also saw this crab in the water. He looked like a huge sea spider. Pretty creepy! But cool to see, nonetheless.
The girls found all these fish vertebrae, and a somewhat fossilized crab claw tip. (Mom, you may find these in a little box somewhere. I haven't been able to find it since unpacking.....)
So, the lines between Oregon and Washington is on a bridge, over the Columbia River. It is hard to put a big fancy sign - so, this is what you get, and I almost missed it!
Mom had this elephant tea set for me, and it provided lots of early morning entertainment for the girls. (mostly Colesy)
And the Russian dolls that fit one inside the next. Mom has several, but this was the favorite!
On Thursday morning, Mom provided us girls with an outing to a production of Cinderella. Naomi and her girls, Luree and Isabel and us three went. It was a fun morning, with my favorite people. Here the girls are with the pumpkin carriage.
And me and Naomi - I was having trouble getting my camera out - and I was trying to take this quickly, because they had already announced that there was no flash photography allowed. I didn't want to get kicked out before it even started! :) Anyhow, that is way this is just a wee bit crazy.....
Here is everyone but Isabel (she went AWOL for a bit) plus Naomi's little Sam. LOVE this picture of us all!
Naomi introduced us to the Willamette Fruit Company. I highly recommend it! We had a blast that afternoon, just chatting while the kids played. (This is the slide that Colesy smacked her tail bone on. In fact, the way she is standing, makes me think that she had just done it!)
When we got back to Naomi's house, the girls decided to color together.

I forgot to bring it home, but I'm not sure how I would have transported it anyhow. It was a pretty big paper. But it was so much fun - for them to do, and for us to see!
This is the moon rise from moms front yard - gorgeous!

Mom and Dads front door has a fun little window in it.
Mom took us past a house that had a bunch of fun wood carvings. It was just tucked in the side of a street, very unexpected.
Here we are on an old growth stump at the rest stop in the Van Duzer corridor on the way to the PACIFIC OCEAN!!!
Shelby very much liked the moss growing on all the limbs. It did look pretty cool.

We went to the Roads End Beach in Lincoln City. It is one of my favorites! We had just about perfect weather for at the coast in November! The sun even broke through for a while!
Mom had looked for beach candy, but was unable to find any. So, we settled for Worthers!
Here we are! Okay, it was a little chilly - but this is when we first got here, before the sun broke though the fog!
So pretty!!!

Of course, Colesy found a seaweed whip.
And what trip to the beach is complete without feeding the seagulls? We had fun with them!
Yes, that is the seaweed whip carefully draped over the end of the log! :)
My vein-y feet: barefoot in the sand! AWESOME!!

HAHAHA! There are moose in Oregon too!!!!!
It was tiring playing out in the cold waves! She insists she was not asleep!
On the way back from the beach, we stopped at the bench/tree where Matt and I had some wedding photos taken.
The girls thought it was great fun to reenact the picture!
Here are our 4 crazy girls.
Good times, special memories, and new friendships = a great week!
And this is goodbye. So so sad to leave good friends.
This is a filbert (hazelnut) orchard. I've always loved the way they look - and they are so spooky after dark! I snapped this on our way out of town.
Over another bridge, back into Washington. On our way back up to spend a sightseeing day with Sharilyln and Parker before heading back East.
Bright and early Monday morning, we were on a ferry. It was a bit brisk on the deck, but the views were spectacular and the sun was even shining!
From the ferry, we headed towards the city. Here is the skyline of downtown on our way in.
There is the Space Needle popping up from the buildings.
This funky building is a library.
We parked at the Pacific Place Mall and walked about 6 blocks to the Columbia Center Tower. We took an elevator up to the 40th floor and had a picnic lunch at Starbucks! The building is 73 floors tall! The sound views from up there was just so pretty, and there were boats all around and it was a cool place to have lunch.
This is the 'hammerin man'. Not sure what or why, but it was impressive.
After lunch, we walked to Pikes Place Market. We saw from a distance them throwing fish, but we were never right there. It was fun though to have all the senses be bombarded.
Okay, we were told that this is not a tongue, but a swim bladder. Regardless, ewwwww!

Ha Ha! This made me smile. Cute display. And tons of yummy fresh veggies.
And, there were tons and tons of these cabbage roses. They were so beautiful. I wanted to buy a bunch of them and bring them back to hand out! :)

And here we are at the Space Needle! amazing!!!!!
This was just sculpture, as far as I could tell, but it was so pretty! We rode the monorail from the city where we had parked to the base of the Needle. The track went through these.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Oregon 2011!!
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1 comment:
Hi Krissy!
My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
I was looking for blogs about Roads End to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
Hope to hear from you soon!
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