Thursday, July 30, 2009

Colesys incident

So, yesterday at school, the kids were playing, and Colesy tripped up the stairs (carpeted) and put her tooth into her lip. And rug-burned her chin up under her lip. It was yucky!!!
anyhow, If it had been anywhere else, she would have needed stitches, but since it was in her mouth....
So, we stopped at the drug store to ask our friend to look at it. She wasnt working, so we found that Matts cousin Megan WAS working there, so she looked at it, and wasnt sure, so asked the pharmacist to look at it. He agreed that there was nothing to do for it but said to keep an eye on it and make sure it didnt get infected.

here is what it looks like this morning. Is it infected? or just healing? dont know, and of course today is the day that the doctor isnt in. I called anyhow just to get advise and the girl who I talked to said she really didnt know, but I should take her to the ER to get it checked.
I dont wanna do that!!!!
So, what is your opinion?

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Sharilyn said...
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