Friday, July 17, 2009

Watkins Glen, New York

We went to Watkins Glen on Wednesday. It is so gorgeous there! We were amazed by the beauty.
There is Matt and the girls on the bridge.
lots of waterfalls along the way.

Me and the girls.
Straight up! We were down a long ways....
The heart shaped pool.
The falls we can walk behind.

I love this view!

Lots and lots of pretty. We were so glad we went. It was a mile and a half UP to one end and then back down again. We were glad that the gorge was cool from the water. It was a warm hike. But we loved it. I'm sure we'll go again. It was the highlight of the trip.

And I am tired and Matt needs the computer, and mom and dad are here, so that is all for today.

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