Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Office Demolition

I really should take my camera to work. by tomorrow it might be too late. I'll try to remember to stick it in my bag though.
The church is putting an elevator lift put in - which will be a huge asset to all the ministries that go on in the building. However, they decided the best place to put it would be in the corner of my office~ Yikes!

Demolition has begun. They started in the lower level by jackhammering out the floor and pouring new concrete down a little lower. And then they took out the wall (cement blocks). What a huge mess! It was sooooo dusty everywhere. and I mean EVERYWHERE!!

Last Friday they moved the cabinets that were back in that corner and then rigged up a place for me to move the copier too. It is quite crowded and junky looking! It might make me crazy before too long!

Last night the began the work in my office. Chuck left a big roll of plastic for me to cover everything, so cover I did! And anticipated a huge mess this morning. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find a very minimal mess. However, I thought they were just cutting a doorway in the one wall. This morning upon arrival, the whole corner of the office was missing! They took out both "outside" walls so they can build up with the concrete blocks. and they removed the layer of concrete under the carpet. All that was left was the 'tin' stuff.

I covered everything up again tonight and before I left, Chuck was making horribly loud noises and working on prep for cutting through the floor/ceiling. He said by the time I get there tomorrow, there will be a cememt block wall 13 tiers high.
Colesy has to put her spelling words into sentences. I crack up at times.

I am still in my childhood.

When my mom got a new car it was costly.

We were doing flattery at recess.

silly girl...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Icky Gicky snow

Pretty cute snow remover guy! :)
It snowed so much last week that Matt had to plow everything 4 times. It was rediculous! We stayed home and didnt venture out. I was glad again that the mail box is attached to the house and I only have to lean out the door to get the mail!

Baking day at Grammys house

Happy Valentines Day!
Beware! She has icing and is not afraid to use it! :) (Again, the silly smile...)

Happy Heart Day to Colesy!

Shelby put on all the pink dots herself!

Lips shaped cookie with a heart on it!

Icing sugar cookies is always fun. Dontcha just love Colesy's new smile? She squints up her eyes and wrinkles up her nose. What a nut - or - PEANUT!!

He's okay... God is good!

This is the guy who pulled out in front of Matt today...
Matt said this doesnt look so bad in the photo, but the whole cab is twisted and its not good! The cop said he did a good job of swerving - possibly saved the guys life. As it is, the other guy had a scratch on his cheek, and Matt is fine. Praise the Lord!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

so, we had grilled chicken for lunch today and partway through her thigh, Shelby says "is this a real chicken?"

We all thought that was funny, and Colesy even said something like, did you think it was plastic?

Matt said to Shelb, havent you ever seen a truck on the interstate with feathers flying out?

Well, no, she hadnt - but "is that how they pluck them?"

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Funny Shelby

Tonight at dinner Shelby says " I saw a real live crocigator."
Matt and I laugh and say "really?"
Shelby replys "Yes - no really, I did. Honest. It was alive."

I asked her if it is like a crabster (her word from when she was little) and she says "mom, you just dont get it."


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Crazy hair night

Shelby (Spike) and Daddy
Colesy and Amanda

Shelby talking to Grammy!

Snow day in Pa!

Well, when you have a snow day, there is no school, so no reason to get up early. Apparently my girls haven't gotten that memo! They were up just after 5:00AM and so they watched a horse movie, played with toy horses and had lunch by 10:00! After that, they made a horse! Cracked me up!
Then they decided to do gymnastics off the couch. This activity lasted throughout the day, off and on. Here are a few action shots...

When we were making plans to keep Halena,I thought it would be fun, so I got them matching jammies!

and then there are a few "friend" poses. They had fun, I think! :)

Damien had fun with them as well, and when they sat on the couch to have the picture taken, he sat down with them. Knucklehead!

Watching the snow fall.

A girl and her dog...

He thinks he's small enough to be a lap dog. It's kinda cute, kinda annoying! :)

Silly Boy!

When he's tired, he's tired!

A while ago the girls set up the castle tent. They begged and begged and I finally relented! They were thrilled and it was fun to watch them trying to play in it. However, the DOG thought is was a cuddly little nest made just for him.

Everytime they turned around, he would get in. He was just about too big to fit, but he did it over and over and over!


It is rare to see this much water coming down the pipe under the road! And look at all the debris down by the sand box!

If you look in the picture above this one, you can just make out that big log that got washed up onto the little low piece of ground! The water was high! The last time I saw the creek this high was Hurrican Katrina!

A while ago it RAINED! LOTS! I tried to take a picture before we left for school, but it was still pretty dark out. I took another one when we got home. The water was down by then, but still, there was a LOT!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The girls had to write a letter to their teacher about Christmas Break. They were just sent home and made me giggle - really hard-core giggle.

Dear Mrs. Bundy,
On Christmas eve I was so excited.I waited and waited til morning would come. Then it was Christmas day. I was even more excited. Then we opened presents. I loved everything. I gota book, doll, gum and I got a CD of Miley Cyrus. And after we opened our presents we got ready to go to my grandparents house and we opened presents there too. I got a radio, chixos, nail polish and I got a few pairs of clothes. After we opened presents we ate. The food was very good. We stayed thre for a long time. I just love Christmas so much.The next day I played with as much of my stuff as I could. And I chewed some gum. On New Years eve I tried to stay up as long as I could but I didnt stay up til 12:00. I was to tirred. On new years day I was excited it was 2010 instead of 2009. It was very fun that day. I played with my sister and my dog Damien.
by Colesy

My favorite line: "And I chewed some gum". What a character! Not sure why that made such an impression on her!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Baby!

Nathan and Jill had their second baby yesterday. Emmett Richard was born at 10:58 AM. 7 pounds 6 ounces, and almost 21" long.

Hopefully photos will soon follow!