Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow day in Pa!

Well, when you have a snow day, there is no school, so no reason to get up early. Apparently my girls haven't gotten that memo! They were up just after 5:00AM and so they watched a horse movie, played with toy horses and had lunch by 10:00! After that, they made a horse! Cracked me up!
Then they decided to do gymnastics off the couch. This activity lasted throughout the day, off and on. Here are a few action shots...

When we were making plans to keep Halena,I thought it would be fun, so I got them matching jammies!

and then there are a few "friend" poses. They had fun, I think! :)

Damien had fun with them as well, and when they sat on the couch to have the picture taken, he sat down with them. Knucklehead!

Watching the snow fall.

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