Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wipe Out!

So, last night the girls talked Matt into making a fire so they could roast a giant marshmallow. We were all sitting around the fire down by the creek. We hauled down chairs and enough wood and the roasting stick and I even took my book (wishful thinking!)
The girls had found some sticks and were poking the fire and then making designs with the smoke.
Finally, we got to roast the marshmallows. They were big. We only did the strawberry ones, and they were quite flavorful. However, they were more, well, slimy, for lack of a better word, than normal. Shelby had to go wash in the creek after she was done with hers.
Well, then the girls went to jump on the trampoline, because sitting around the fire is only fun for old people! :)
After that, Colesy was wandering around the yard looking for sticks and twigs to put in the fire. She had found a lot, and then burned them all, and she was starting to make us batty. (2 marshmallows is PLENTY!) So, Matt told her to go look for more firewood.
She had made it to the top of the bank and was pretending to be a mountain goat. Then she had her hands full of sticks, so she decided to run full-tilt down the bank. That in itself, well, I could see it wasnt going to end well. But then...
Last winter, the kids had tied a chain around a tree to help them climb back up they sled rode down the bank. Colesy had been playing with it earlier in the evening, and had left it pulled down the bank. Somehow, as she ran full tilt down the bank, she tramped on that chain and the end of it reached up and wrapped around her ankle, causing her to stop short. It also sorta flung her up and jerked her back and then dropped her. It all happened FAST, but also in slow motion! She was shocked/stunned and in pain. I ran to her and picked her up and then thought that if she had a back injury, I should put her back down. I laid her on her back and she was kicking her legs and trying to get up. I got right over top of her so she'd know I was right there, and got her to calm down. She had sores on her ankle from the chain, but nothing else apparent. Matt thought she was okay, so I picked her up and we snuggled for the rest of the evening. She was quite content to sit quietly on my lap!
She told me later that her shoulder, arm and back hurt so badly she couldnt feel them. Yikes! She is sitting pretty still this morning, but I think she'll be just fine.
Scared me pretty good!

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