Sunday, December 19, 2010

Snowballs and Sleds

Last week, we got some snow. Not lots, but the girls decided to go out and play. They eventually came in asking for help. They must have forgotten who their mama is, cuz I hate snow, but they had made a snow ball and were trying to get it into the front yard. But it was too heavy to push up the bank from the driveway. So, it eventually got away from them and rolled to a stop near the basement door. Where it sat for a week. It was big. Probably 2 feet in diameter.
Well, Matt decided that it needed to move, so when he got home yesterday, he rolled it out of the way, and never stopped! It rolled a curvy path down to the edge of the bank where it came to a stop. He came in the house laughing about it, so we were watching out the window for the girls to discover that it had "mysteriously" moved.
Oh my! Matt and I laughed and laughed. I tried to get a picture, but, shockingly, I have stupid camera issues! Once again they tried to get the snowball, now bigger, back up the bank. They got their sled, and got the snowball onto it. And they were pulling the sled. Colesy pulling and Shelby behind pushing. It was comical. They dissappeared from view for a while.
We finally found them again. Seems the snowball had rolled off the sled and went down to the creek bank again, down by the trampoline. Thye sturggled and struggled. Meanwhile, Matt and I are cracking up!
Eventually, they came in for lunch (creamy tortolini soup!). We asked them where the snow ball was. They got frustrated with it and put it in the creek!
Oh, pictures or video would have been hysterical. Oh well.

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