Thursday, July 28, 2011

Robins: take two...

At the beginning of summer, we had a robin building a nest in our flower pot by the front door. We got tons of good pictures of her from the building the nest through when the babies left. And then my computer ate them! I was so mad to have lost all the pictures. But then, one day after the babies were gone, and the nest was empty, I saw a bird fly away from it. I didnt think much of it until I saw her fly away again... And so we got a second chance to watch over our robin eggs. First one.

Then two.

Then three!

And then one by one, they hatched...

Such ugly little helpless creatures.

And the girls named these birds too. Meesha was born first and is Colesys.

Melissa was born second, and is Shelbys.

The third egg was named Montgomery, before he was born.

But something happened to Montgomery, and he never hatched. :(

So while his sisters bet bigger, and hungrier, Montgomerys beautiful blue egg begins to turn. Brown splotches start to appear on it.

Meesha and Melissa are big enough now, that we can no longer see Montgomerys egg. I'm not sure if it is still in the nest or not.

Pretty soon these babies will be gone too. It is a nice feeling to have baby birds on our porch!

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