Monday, August 2, 2010

Balloon Festival - Sunday Morning Part 1

So, we got up EARLY Sunday morning - we left the house at 6 AM! We stopped for coffee and doughnuts and muffins to go and went to Stark State. There were lots of balloons in this field getting ready to fly. It was really neat to watch them lay them out and then they filled each balloon with a fan blowing in the air. When it was full of air, then they ignited the gas to get it to stand up.

There were 4 balloons that were not "normal" shaped balloons. The birthday cake, the ladybug on the flower and the clown. (and the pig in the next post.)

The people with the clown balloon gave the kids in the audience a red ball nose. It was a cute idea. Here are the girls sporting their clown noses!

Here are the 4 cousins. They had so much fun playing this weekend.

And here are the grown-ups! Matt, Jenns dad, Jenn, Jenns mom and Nelson

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