Once again, these pictures are in opposite order. Dont know how to fix that! Silly me. Anyhow, This is at the end of our long 16+ mile ride on Saturday.

Grammy called it Victory Rock!

Matt was happy to get off the bike.

We all stood around for a bit when we got done. Then we had to load up the bikes and head back to the cabin.

We saw this guy along our path. He was on our side of the river. We watched him swim across the river and then he walked along the opposite bank for quite a while.

Shelby took this of her and Colesy during one of our breaks along the trail.

It was a little chilly, but was nice for a long ride like we took.

Water Break.

Colesys head in the foreground and the bear in the background, across the river.

Walking along.....

Oh, I saw this little waterfall beside the trail. it was really pretty, but I must have been riding too fast! :)

Um, ya, here he is swimming. You can barely see a black speck in the water, but that is Mr. Bear.

Um, ya, so it is hard to take a self portrait while riding a bike! Yikes!

Here is Shelby, zooming with me!

I took this one over my shoulder. It was much easier than my self portrait! Matt and his mom. Arent they just too cute?!

See, here is another one, but my hair got in the way just a bit!

Something must have been funny!

Colesy and Papa led the way most of the weekend!
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