Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 2 Part 2: A Walk and a Fire

Heres me looking at you to see if you are looking at me! :)
We found these stairs in the neighbors yard. They went way down to a boggy area, where they had placed a little plank walkway. We crossed that and made it to the river bed. It was so pretty, and quiet, and peaceful.

Shelby took this one of me and Matt :)

There were some old trees down there.

Here we are at the top of the stairway. Debating whether or not to go.....

Shelby and Grammy on the way back up. you can see the plank walkway in this picture.

Across the river, there were 2 little waterfalls. I couldnt get good pictures with my dumb camera, but I tried! :)

Cool big old oak tree.

We made them stand in front of one of the oak trees, for perspective!

Stairs down (after we rode and hiked the day before, and had a 16+ mile ride earlier in the day).

I tried to get Shelbys face in the glow of the fire. Didnt work too well!

Relaxing around the fire.

Roasting marshmellows.

This was before Matt got sick. When we came in from the fire, he got violently ill. We think food poison, but no one else got it, and he didnt eat anything that no one else did. Anyhow, shortly after he removed it ALL from his body, he started to feel better. (I've known him for 17 years now, and this was the only time I have known him to throw up!)

The fire was hard to start, and hard to keep going. The wood that was left was green and wet. We gathered millions of leaves to keep it going! Colesy got a grocery bag so she didnt have to make as many trips!

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