I was helping Matt in the yard with one of his projects and it did not go well for my big toe! I bent the nail back about halfway. And I'll just tell you: YES! It hurt!

About one day after it stopped hurting to be touched, I was again out helping Matt and he asked me to run in the house to make a phone call for him. Well, being the helpful person that I am, I literally took off running to get to the house to make his call. My problem began when I missed the bottom step. My toes just barely glanced off the edge, and the rest of me went full tilt onto the steps. I ripped up both shins pretty good. that was July 1. today is July 27. my scab is just about gone, and, well, there are still significant bumps on my shin bones. And again, let me reassure you that YES! it hurt. immensly. I believe I rolled around on the porch with tears streaming from my eyes chanting "it hurts, it hurts, oh how it hurts"
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