Thursday, July 15, 2010

Parker Dam and Letterboxing

We have discovered something called Letterboxing. It is like geocaching, but different. Not sure how, cuz I've never geocached either, but we wanted to try this letterboxing stuff, and decided to take the adventure with mom and dad.
While looking for the beginning of the trail, Shelby found this ball thing floating and was quite pleased that she was able to fish it out.

The girls and mom found a little dragonfly sitting in the grass. Mom ended up being able to 'sneak' up close to it and getting a good picture of it. :)

Below the dam there are lots of rocks to walk on. Last time we were here, the water was too high and we were unable to walk across.

We found Gavin and Gabe while we were there. The 4 of them had a blast swimming together.

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