Thursday, October 28, 2010


Last night, driving home from AWANA's bon fire night, one of these creatures ran in front of my nice new pretty car! I hit the brakes, but after hearing Matt tell me for years "Its better to hit a deer than to swerve and wreck the car", I hit the deer. I thumped its back end with my right front bumper.
Having never hit a deer before, I was unsure what the correct procedure was. So, I called Nelson. Both cell and home, and no answer. And in my hour of need too! Whatever.
Then it dawned on me that I could call Becky. So, I did. Once more, she is my hero, and the voice of calm reason in my excitable world! (Love you!)
I was pretty sure the deer kept on going - I didnt stop to check it out. That never crossed my mind until about 6 miles later.....
And, I wasnt sure if I should have pulled over to check out the damage or not. (So, I chose to just go home!)
Here is the damage:

Gross! There is FUR hanging there in that scratch/crack.

So, it could have been worse. I'm sure it actually IS worse than it looks. My checkbook is already hurting! :)

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