Monday, November 1, 2010

The verdict.....

So, just when I thought I had finally found an eye doctor I liked.....

Dr. Spingola told me today at my recheck that while my eyes were clearing up and looked better, I needed to wear my glasses for four more weeks. FOUR MORE WEEKS!?!? Four more WEEKS? FOUR. more. weeks. Can you even believe it? I thought I heard wrong. I had to have him repeat several times. I thought I was going to an appointment where he was planning to pat me on the back and tell me "Good job, you're healed. Pop them puppies (contacts) back in your eyes and live happy!" What a shocker for me! He said for the first week I could cut the drops back to twice a day and then the next week, just once a day. So I, trying to clarify said "So, 2 drops for a week and then one drop for a week, then contacts for 2 weeks and then I come see you. Right?" NOPE! those last two weeks are still in glasses, just no drops. He's KILLING me!

So, I go out to schedule the next appointment (in four weeks) and the girl says "How 'bout December 1?" I said, "How 'bout something earlier?" She said, "Doctor said 4 weeks" To which I respond, "Come on, you're killing me? Cant we scoot it up a little? two days, one day? "

Nope. December first it is.

Oh. Man.

This glasses thing is no piece of cake! I HATE it! Headaches, nose aches, ear aches. Bad attitude, blindness....

and now, I have to do a holiday with them.... and my birthday!

This is not a happy face!

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