Saturday, June 5, 2010

Swan Lake

We stopped at this amazing place in Sumter, SC called Swan Lake. There were oodles of swans, lots of different kinds. They were all around and in this big swamp pond. It was hot, but we had a fun time walking around and being so close to the birds.
This was the funniest duck ever. He was just laying there, and when we got too close, he would hiss and it was so hysterical, we kept making him do it over and over! We thought maybe he was sitting on a nest or something, but when he did get up, I think he was just mad we interupted his nap.

I loved the roots and how they just popped up all around the waters edge. So pretty.

Colesy named this "Evil Swan". He tried to peck her, and the swan was quite large, so it was frightening. We were standing off to the side and these 2 older women were trying to pet it or something. It was funny. I tried to get pictures of it!

See, she looks calm and pretty here!

There were lots of turtles too. This one was pretty big.

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