Tuesday, June 29, 2010

West Park

This park is in Carmel, which is next to Zionsville. Traditionally, this is the park we have gone to for the past several years. We tried the other new water park, and it was great, but we thought we needed a day at our original. The day started out cooler than any other day we had been in Indy. But it quickly warmed, and we got sunburned worst here. Shocking, I know! :)
West Park has this lovely wooden walkway around and through a pond. I've always wanted to check it out, but it has always been too hot. It still was too hot, but we went anyhow. It was really pretty, and had it been cooler, I would have liked to explore further.

West Park is a park, with water features.

Isaac. Solitary. Nut!

There are these piers of big rocks for people to sit on. It makes for an enjoyable place to watch the children. The trees are getting bigger, and soon they will provide ample shade. Until then, we just have to keep applying the sunscreen and dipping our feet in the water! I dont mind.

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